Technical Terms

Some technical terms Hyperbole – a figure of speech, which involves an exaggeration of ideas for emphasis e.g. My suitcase weighs a ton! Metaphor – a word or phrase for one thing that is used to refer to another thing in order to show or suggest that they... read more

Joanna’s pragmatic and up-beat manner has had a profoundly positive impact on the pupils she has taught. Her teaching methods and ‘can do’ philosophy have proven to be second to none… Joanna consistently demonstrates a quietly determined, rigorous approach and has finely tuned a comprehensive grasp of how children learn.

Mr D. Sellens,

Headmaster, Thomas Jones School, London

Sarah recently got awarded an A* for her English Speaking GCSE exam and will be writing to you personally to thank you for helping her to achieve this grade. We both agree that she was able to get this grade as result of your inspiring classes and the high expectations that you had of her. You have boosted both her confidence and her grades. Thank you.

Mr J. ,



Direct speech – saying exactly what someone said using speech marks. E.g. “I didn’t understand the maths problem.” said Maria. Don’t forget to punctuate before you close the speech marks! Try these: 1) The rabbit said I can run really fast! 2) What time is it?... read more

Thank you very much for tutoring Arnaud. I truly think you made a big difference in his learning curve. Your patience and your ability to immediately spot the ‘weak link’ in his work allowed him to make a lot of progress rapidly. I don’t know how you managed but Arnaud was always looking forward to his lessons with you! Your calmness and lovely character helped me not to get stressed about this terrifying exam progress.

Mrs R,


Thank you so much for working with our daughter on revision for her GCSE Drama and English. She really enjoyed the lessons and now has a much better understanding of the set books and plays. As our daughter is dyslexic your techniques for remembering the information and planning out essays were very constructive. The lessons were concentrated and ‘full on’; but you were patient and encouraging throughout, so that she has got a real confidence boost from these sessions.

Mrs Littler,


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Joanna has been with our family for over 6 years, and thanks to her our 3 boys have made enormous progress in English/Grammar. She is an excellent prep and pre-prep teacher, capable of introducing and observing the study discipline and setting up a clear routine of the classes. Our trilingual boys  quickly progressed to great results in writing, comprehension and reading (just to mention that the youngest ones started reading at the age of 3 yrs and writing at about the same age). We have never had issues with the boys’ discipline during the classes – they greatly  respected Joanna and fulfilled all the instructions, despite their boisterous nature.

Ellina Volkova,
