
A friend recommended Jo. My son is academically able but due to his anxiety and other issues finds attending lessons and managing any work independently very difficult.
Jo has been incredibly kind and calm, showing great persistence, flexibility and understanding to help him. She has reminded him that learning can be fulfilling and given him a confidence in his ability that he did not previously possess in English.
Her tutoring style is a real one to one commitment to the individual. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone. She has not only given my son the tools to do well in his English exams but also, more importantly, self-belief.
Emma, Bath
My child started working with Jo as they struggle with processing, working memory and have always found English rather difficult for these reasons despite a previous love of reading and writing for enjoyment. With GCSEs looming and the need for certain grades in English in order to fulfill A level entry to their chosen school, they worked weekly with Jo and it looks likely that my child will exceed all targets for English despite the many difficulties that they face.
Jo is patient, thorough and communicates very clearly with my child so they understand what is expected of them and how to use each lesson to its maximum. She explains and demonstrates how to best approach each GCSE paper; for example how to create a mindmap, or which text-book to use to revise and will send very helpful instructions and papers to print off to support the work within her lessons. My child has really flourished under Jo’s absolutely expert tuition and I am in no doubt that the great results that they will (hopefully!) achieve are in large part down to the help, care and support that Jo has provided. We are very grateful and cannot recommend her highly enough!
Jenny, Bath


We are very grateful to have found Jo. She is extremely competent and kind which means our son, Henry (10 years), likes and respects her in equal measure. Henry has high functioning autism and ADHD; he has fantastic comprehension skills but has always struggled with spelling/writing. Jo was undaunted and has made tremendous progress with him. Henry is now confident and a little proud of how much he can achieve. Homework and writing is no longer the hugely frustrating task it once was for him. To find someone who aspires for your child is a rare thing and we cannot rate Jo highly enough.

Kim, Bath


Jo was a great help to Ben in preparing for his GCSEs, boosting his confidence and helping him fulfil his potential. She has a very approachable, calm manner and gave useful feedback to Ben and myself. Jo helped Ben with his essay structure and gave him key points to improve his grades while working through many past exam questions. We were delighted he achieved an 8 in English Language and 9 in English literature and would certainly recommend Jo to others.

Louise, Bath


Jo has helped Wilfred (aged 10) immeasurably, not just with a better grasp of English and clearer handwriting, but in terms of his self-belief. He’s really enjoyed his sessions with her, and surprised himself with his speed of progress. Thanks to his time with Jo, English homework is no longer a battleground as he knows exactly how to approach it. She has been able to take a boy who was very much inside his own head, and turn him into a competent writer who can articulate his ideas and structure his arguments with confidence. She also helped him prepare for his senior school entrance exams, for which we will be eternally grateful! We were so lucky to find her, and I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Claire, Bath


Many thanks, Jo, for saving the day! Holly and I are truly grateful. You stepped in at the last minute with some excellent, well-focused tuition that boosted Holly’s confidence and helped lift her GCSE grades significantly. I just wish we’d come across you sooner. We’d certainly recommend you to others.

Ruth, Bath


Thank you so much for all your hard work with Remy.  The sessions have definitely really improved his confidence and motivation, and given him lots of tools for the GCSE exams.

Carey, Bath


I found Jo online whilst trying to find a tutor for my son. We were just eight weeks away from his GCSEs and he was struggling to get a handle on his English which he needs for his college course. Jo managed to cram in so much in such a short space of time and his confidence has grown incredibly.

He confidently completed his Literature exams last week. I think the best thing he gained from her lessons was a confidence in his own ability that he didn’t have before. Jo is very easy going and he felt very comfortable with her.

I would highly recommend Jo to anyone looking for an English tutor.

Rachel, Bath


Jo has been tutoring our son (Year 10) for over six months now, and she has been brilliant from the start. Needless to say, the idea of having a tutor didn’t appeal to our son, but he really enjoys his sessions with Jo, who manages to combine constructive criticism / observation with being very encouraging and positive. We appreciate the emails she sends to let us know how our son’s getting on, and she’s been good at matching what she does with what he has been doing at school.

Emily, Bath


We came to Jo when our eldest son was struggling badly with reading and writing in Year 1. Since Jo has been tutoring him, he has made significant progress and, more importantly, has regained his confidence and enthusiasm for learning. Jo is always patient, warm and supportive and our son is always happy to go to his lesson! I would unhesitatingly recommend Jo as a tutor.

Celina, Bath


Jo has been a massive help to my daughter who was finding school work was a big trigger for her anxieties. We also think she may be dyslexic. Since having tutoring with Jo, my daughter is definitely more confident and doesn’t panic about schoolwork anymore. At first I wasn’t even sure that she would be confident enough to talk to Jo, but I needn’t have worried. Jo is of such a calm nature that my daughter feels she can work confidently and Jo is really supportive of all her work. She has only seen Jo since late summer and the difference in her work and particularly her confidence is amazing. I just wish we’d started with Jo earlier!

Louise, Bath


Our daughter has been tutored by Jo for the past year. During this time, she has grown in confidence immensely, and her skills in all aspects of English have improved considerably. Jo has a calm, patient and fun approach, which has kept our daughter motivated and keen to learn. In particular, she has been able to help master the new SPAG curriculum, in preparation for the SATS. Jo’s lessons are varied, and she will listen to, and work with any concerns either we, or our daughter has, or pick up on things not fully grasped at school. We would highly recommend Jo to others.

Madeline, Bath


We were unsure whether to engage a tutor for our daughter on top of an already busy school life, but Sophie wouldn’t miss her weekly sessions with Jo for the world. She loves having one to one time with Jo to reinforce the areas covered at school in fun ways that don’t feel like work.

Helen, Bath


Jo has been amazing in helping my daughter to overcome the obstacles presented to her as a result of her dyslexia. Jo is patient and encouraging and because of this, my daughter now has the confidence and self-belief to write truly creative stories.  I would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Jo. She is a fantastic tutor who inspires her pupils.

Caroline, Bath


Our daughter was identified as having a dyslexic profile in year 2 and Jo’s tuition has made an important difference in helping her make progress in a fun and focused way. Jo is very skilled at spotting and supporting areas for development and has equipped our daughter with invaluable self correction skills. We are happy to recommend Jo to others.

Melissa, Bath


Jo has been a fantastic tutor for our daughters. Her warm personal style allowed her to really engage with the girls. Their creative writing improved massively under her guidance. We couldn’t recommend her enough!

Caroline, Bradford on Avon


Thank you so much for working with our daughter on revision for her GCSE Drama and English. She really enjoyed the lessons and now has a much better understanding of the set books and plays. As our daughter is dyslexic your techniques for remembering the information and planning out essays were very constructive. The lessons were concentrated and ‘full on’, but you were patient and encouraging throughout, so that she has got a real confidence boost from these sessions.

Mrs Littler, Wiltshire


Thank you very much for tutoring Arnaud. I truly think you made a big difference in his learning curve. Your patience and your ability to immediately spot the ‘weak link’ in his work allowed him to make a lot of progress rapidly. I don’t know how you managed but Arnaud was always looking forward to his lessons with you! Your calmness and lovely character helped me not to get stressed about this terrifying exam progress.

Mrs R, London


Joanna’s pragmatic and up-beat manner has had a profoundly positive impact on the pupils she has taught. Her teaching methods and ‘can do’ philosophy have proven to be second to none… Joanna consistently demonstrates a quietly determined, rigorous approach and has finely tuned a comprehensive grasp of how children learn.

Mr D. Sellens, Headteacher, Thomas Jones School, London

Joanna has been with our family for over 6 years, and thanks to her, our 3 boys have made enormous progress in English/Grammar. She is an excellent prep and pre-prep teacher, capable of introducing and observing the study discipline and setting up a clear routine of the classes. Our trilingual boys  quickly progressed to great results in writing, comprehension and reading. We have never had any issues with the boys’ discipline during the classes – they greatly respected Joanna and fulfilled all the instructions, despite their boisterous nature.

Ellina Volkova, London


Sarah recently got awarded an A* for her English Speaking GCSE exam and will be writing to you personally to thank you for helping her to achieve this grade. We both agree that she was able to get this grade as a result of your inspiring classes and the high expectations that you had of her. You have boosted both her confidence and her grades. Thank you.

Mr J, London

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